Professional Development

At FETN we understand the importance of professional development that recognises the unique skills and qualities that tutors require to work effectively with their learners. We are also aware of the challenges faced by managers of tutorial provision and so we strive to deliver a range of training and development opportunities to support them in their work.

 FETN provides a range of training solutions including:

  • National and regional training events and workshops
  • Webinars 
  • Distance Learning 
  • On-line Training
  • Bespoke in-house training
  • FETN Annual Conference

1: Professional Tutor Recognition

FETN recognises that personal tutoring is central to learner success, and that effective tutoring promotes learner progress, enables learners to develop their personal, social and employability skills and helps in addressing individual learning and support needs. 

Enhancing tutoring skills through reflective practice enables tutors to confidently and effectively undertake this key role. The FETN Professional Recognition Scheme has been developed to enable reflective practice in line with the National Occupational Standards for Personal Tutoring. The scheme provides tutoring practitioners with a valuable opportunity to evidence their practice against the requisite skills and competencies for the role, and to identify opportunities for continuous professional development. 

2: Training Events, Workshops and Webinars

FETN provides a number of national and regional training events and workshops that are open to members and non-members. Our programme of events are designed to help individual practitioners to develop their tutoring skills, and to support managers to evaluate and improve the quality of tutorial provision.

In addition to our face-to-face events we also provide a range of webinars delivered in collaboration with eMemoir, and regular online meetings for members to discuss current topical issues.  

For details of all forthcoming events please visit our Events Page

3: In-house Training & Development

Working with a large number of organisations across the sector we have designed and delivered bespoke training for all areas relating to tutorial provision. 

We discuss each aspect of provision the organisation wishes to improve and design appropriate training through a process of consultation to meet those needs. 

We can also provide training packs and guidance for organisations to deliver themselves.

4: Distance Learning

This training offers a professional, cohesive and cost effective way to improve the quality of tutorial provision across the organisation. 

It is designed to improve the skills and practice of both new and experienced tutors in Further Education and Training Sector who undertake a personal tutoring, mentoring or coaching role to support learner progress. 

It encourages individual reflection and improvement in practice by working to meet the National Occupational Standards for Personal Tutoring.

The training can be completed as a self-directed distance learning activity or it can be delivered as part of an in-house training programme and covers:

  1. Understanding the personal tutor role, responsibilities and relationship
  2. Facilitating individual learning and development
  3. Enabling learners to recognise, develop and apply transferable skills
  4. Supporting Learners’ academic, personal and welfare needs
  5. Supporting individuals’ transition and progression
  6. Contributing to the quality and impact of personal tutoring

How to purchase

The ‘How to Become an Outstanding Personal Tutor’ is training pack is available as a PDF document for you to print as required. Every pack is assigned a Portfolio Number which will be used to confirm completion of the course and to produce the Certificate of Completion provided by FETN. One or more packs can be purchased.

The cost for each individual pack is £35 for Members and £45 for Non-members